I am – Mariah Carey Walks her Dog of the the Day

Walking her dog in a dress and heels makes Mariah look like an escort. The difference between an escort and a whore, is that the escort doesn’t realize that she’s a whore. They charge 500 dollars and hour and wear expensive dresses and accompany business men to functions. They always end up fucking their clients and somehow walk away, a thousand dollars richer, but in denial of the fact that they just sucked cock for money.

Mariah’s broad shoulders and ripped arms remind me of a stint I had as a doorman at some tranny bar. There was one routine they called the Diva Show and 4 “girls” would get up on stage to sing dressed like Celine, Whitney, Madonna and Mariah. The point was that the man Mariah looked like a better fuck than the feces that is Mariah in these pics. Point is, she’s washed up, she’s holding onto a dream and should pack her Luis Vuitton luggage and move on with her life.

At least her dog loves her. That’s more than I can say for myself.

I am – Mariah Carey Walks her Dog of the the Day June 7th, 2006