I am – Kate Moss’ Septum

I have a statement that I think I should make to Kate Moss pictures because I think her cocaine scandal is something relevant to what I have to say…

Someone I know sent me a text message saying to stop harassing his friends. He said that it’s funny when I harass celebs but not when I harass normal people. The point is that this site is about normal people as much as it is about celebrity. I just do my commentary to celeb pictures because no one gives a fuck Melissa from Albany doing her grocery shopping.

That means that when I am looking for inspiration, I write menacing, harassing, obscene, funny messages to random people on myspace that I find through searches or through other people’s pages.

That also means that you put yourself out there, and put up pictures of yourself, and make yourself accessible to everyone expect messages you may or may not want. If I feel the inspiration to write you a fucking message that you may or may not find funny, because let’s face it, I am not that funny and you are pretty fucking lame. You should do one of 4 things, make your profile private so that people like me can’t message you. You could also delete your account all together and get off the myspace train, or you could read it, get offended and ignore/block me, but I suggest that you could stop taking your useless self so fucking seriously and laugh about it, because that’s what it is all about, it’s comedy. This is the message that offended my friend’s friend and made him message me about no harassing people:

do you look good in person

or is it all smoke and mirrors

if it is smoke and mirrors

can you send them to me

i want to look at my own asshole

and can’t afford a mirror

the smoke is for dealing with my shame after i look at my own asshole.

that was funny

admit it

Read my site

It will change your life…

with love

jesus martinez


OR It coulda been

i am not very smart. But that was a really good dis considering it was from a lesbian. I was expecting you get your bull dyke of a girlfriend to hunt me down and wrestle me….I know my kind disgust you but it’s not my fault I was born with a penis and you were molested as a kid and now you’re scared of cock.

My life’s alright, I write the hottest site online and you only look good in your modeling pics..

With Love


In closing, if you get a fucking myspace message from me. You should be fucking happy. We’re running the 18,000th largest website here, and if being messaged by the man behind this media empire isn’t an honor – I don’t know what fucking is. Cunt.

I guess that had nothing to do with Kate Moss at all,….

I am – Kate Moss’ Septum June 9th, 2006