I am – Toni Braxton Tight Upskirt of the Day

You guys like Red Rat? Yeah, this isn’t a music post and that song gets annoying after the third time you hear it. But that’s not the point. The point is that wind is our friend. Just yesterday I was sitting on a patio, waiting for the staff to kick me out for loitering/disturbing the customers with my stench, when I looked across the street and saw a decent looking Jewish girl walking hand in hand with her boyfriend. Her skirt got caught in the wind and I got a free show. The whore wasn’t wearing underwear and I saw her bikini waxer’s vietnamese artistic touch. It’s kinda funny that you Americans went from bombing their country to getting them to do your nails and wax your cunts. I guess it’s really not all that funny at all.

I have nothing to say today, so just look at the pictures. I realize that I am wasting my time with this site. I make no money, my traffic is shit, and I am not making any internet friends with it.

I am not crying for attention here, I just realize when something’s come to an end and honestly how could I expect to get any respect from writing a blog after I spent years laughing at bloggers. I am a real hypocrite. I would hate me too, actually i hate myself too.

I am – Toni Braxton Tight Upskirt of the Day June 12th, 2006