I am – Vida Guerra’s Ass

Wanting to fuck fat chicks makes sense to me. Not because my wife is fat, but because I understand fetishes, and fucking something that feels like a brand new couch could be hot.

What I will never understand is people who want to slam hybrid fat chicks, I am talking about small breasted sluts who gain all their McDonald’s eating weight in their ass, making the rest of their body all out of proportion.

At least Vida got a botched tit job to balance out her retardedly fat ass. Maybe the problem here is that I like my women to look like 12 year old boys with tits, and by 12 year old boy, I mean bikini models and actual hot chicks.

Let’s keep that fat chicks for the gangstas who still think it’s hot cuz that’s what rap videos tell them.

I am – Vida Guerra’s Ass March 6th, 2007