I am – Remembering Nelly Furtado of the Day


I am cleaning out my closet, and by closet I mean hard drive and felt like posting old pictures of useless people to remember our past on this 4th of July. That was my attempt at having some level of philiosphical insight into the world, and that attempt was a failure. I am used to failure, something that we hope Nelly will get used to when she realizes that no one wants to watch a single mother sing about being a premiscuous whore. This is America and we like the nuclear family, happy households and we look down on single mothers, teenage mothers, and ethnic people. I just ate too many blueberries because they are good for my prostate and my stomach hurts, much like Nelly’s vadge right after her little portuguese cod fell from her womb.

New Pics of Nelly “The Cod Fisherman” Furtado

I am – Remembering Nelly Furtado of the Day July 4th, 2006