I am – Naomi Watts is a Nazi of the Day

July 1st is moving day in Montreal. That means all leases are up and all students and people moving, move on that day. When people move, they usually throw out anything that’s either too annoying to pack or too annoying to move. I am a lazy motherfucker and decided to check out the trash for any golden finds, 6 days too late. I am pretty happy that I came across an old pile of tupperwear, because that’s what we use for plates at the Martinez household. There’s still rotten food in the motherfuckers, but I’ll just let it soak in bleach for a few hours. Speaking of 6 day old garbage and rotten food, here’s some pics of Naomi Watts waiting for a taxi. Start masturbating NOW. Assholes.

Isn’t it funny how hailing a taxi looks a lot like sieg heiling….

I am – Naomi Watts is a Nazi of the Day July 6th, 2006