I am – Paris Hilton, Riding In Cars with Boys of the Day

Paris Hilton’s got all kinds of money. She was the kind of kid who ran around in a diamond encrusted ballet slippers because she had to be the most exclusive girl in her dance recital. She also had an award winning horse when all the other rich slags she rolled up with had the low grade ponies. Bitch even had a 40,000 dollar toy Mercedes that she drove to the playground while all the other STDs rode their trikes. This bitch is exclusive, but not as exclusive as the two piece of shit dirtbag 10 year olds I saw playing with a dead racoon yesterday. When you’re poor you make good with what you got. So this post didn’t change your fucking life, I never said I was good at this shit. Cuddles.

I am – Paris Hilton, Riding In Cars with Boys of the Day July 6th, 2006