I am – Kate Moss' Cocaine Safari of the Day

I am late at posting today because someone told me that it wasn’t very classy of me not having a dinning room table, even though I don’t have a dinning room. They told me eating off my lap or on the floor is not civilized, and since I consider myself a civilized person, I decided to go shopping for one. I ended up at the Salvation Army, because they have great deals for poor people and I got one for 20 dollars. For all those wondering, eating off a Salvation Army 20 dollar table is not classy or civilized and despite my financial situation, I hate shopping with poor immigrants at a fuckin’ homeless person loving institution like the Salvation Army.

Here are some pictures of Kate Moss, no longer homeless and making more money than ever now that she’s been busted with an addiction. If only it was that easy for the rest of us. The reason I say that she is on a Cocaine Safari is because she has Safari colors on, a range rover and enough cocaine to kill an elephant in her condoms she swallowed while crossing the border like she was Steve-O. You are so hot right now, if I was wearing pants, I’d totally take them off. Cunts.

Bonus – Bitch in Black

Bonus – Last Week’s Bikini Pics

I am – Kate Moss' Cocaine Safari of the Day July 13th, 2006