I am – Not Stalking Lohan of the Day

With new beginnings, come new goals and new ideas. I don’t know if I am going to continue stalking Lohan anymore. I haven’t decided yet. I did have a good time talking to the fake Lohan on Myspace. I am pretty sure she was a 15 year old Filipino. I wouldn’t be surprised if her relatives work for some of you, you know, cleaning your house and stealing your mom’s jewelery and shit. Either way, I am definitely impressed by the trouble they go to to re-create a celebrities life and to make their fake profile believable. They create relevant profiles of their love interests and they have fake Nicole Richie and fake DJ AM profiles leave fake comments on their fake Filipino pages and it’s an overall amazing time.

The reason I don’t want to stalk lohan anymore is cuz I don’t find her body hot. I am shallow like that, and like stalking looks not personality. I felt the same way about sex and marriage before needing citizenship, then I took whatever table scrabs I could find, married her and now watch her emotionally eat herself to death in hopes of it ending my misery. That’s the story I heard.

Bonus – More of the Slut in Action

I am – Not Stalking Lohan of the Day July 18th, 2006