I am – Tara Reid Lookin' Her Age of the Day

There comes a time in every party slut’s life when the fruits of their labor finally start to pay off. That means that if a bitch drinks like a fish and snorts yay like a fiend all the fucking time, like it’s her fucking job, from the age of 19 to 30, her face, skin, heart and ass will all be nicely damaged. Looking at pictures of this cunt, I realize that she’s no longer the bright eyes I saw on American Pie and that I have been around hookers that have less damage to them than her. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t want to fuck her, every hole is a goal, and the fact that she’s this washed up already gives you, the common folk a better chance than you know to bag her, and by bag her I mean slam her with 6 condoms, because she’s a walking petri dish of cum, silicone, cellulite and disease. If you are wondering why I know what I petri dish is, it’s because I used to sell my body to science. Being a human guinea pig paid better than welfare. True Story.

I am – Tara Reid Lookin' Her Age of the Day July 18th, 2006