I am – Scarlett Johansson for Variv Michlan of the Day

Scarlett Johansson’s only problem is that someone told her that she was cute as a kid. I am thinking we can thanks her perverted uncle, her mom and dad and probably all of her parent’s friends and teachers who always drilled that into her 6 year old brain. This encouragement unfortunately gave this bitch an ego. Instead of developing an eating disorder, depression, and daddy issues like a normal teenager, she went to auditions, got parts and here she is now. Lucky for us, media and every dude at the sci fi convention is hard for her, only perpetuating the lie that her career and life are based on. Here are some pictures of her for you useless fucks.

I am – Scarlett Johansson for Variv Michlan of the Day April 24th, 2007