I am – Eva Longoria on the Set of her Show of the Day

Longoria has a weak chin, looks like a retard, and has a massive mexican box. The reason I know about the massive mexican box is because her boyfriend is 7 feet tall and black, it’s kind of a given. If I was 7 feet tall, my dick would be at least 14 inches long. Either way, no one really give a fuck about this cunt, except you, but that’s cuz you like any girl in picture form, it’s the only sex you can get. I don’t mean to dis you, there’s nothing wrong with lacking social skills or game, and I am really not one to talk considering I am the one posting this shit. Right? Keep telling yourself that I am as lame as you are and I’d tell you to tell your friends, but I know you don’t have friends. Cuddles.

I am – Eva Longoria on the Set of her Show of the Day July 22nd, 2006