I am – Jello Wrestling Pics of the Day

These pictures appeared in my inbox today and considering I get about 1 or less emails a day, I decided to open it. They are from some budget pimp and ho party and they had Jello wrestling, something really fucking representative of what pimps and hoes do. It would be a lot more appropriate if they had a meth smokin’ contest or maybe a 5 dollar blowjob hour or maybe a “give the white man HIV” or whatever else it is that whores do. The last time I saw a crackwhore was about 2 months ago and bitch was convulsing on the corner of the street. There was a crowd around her, the ambulances hadn’t quite made it yet, and bitch’s grey scabby cunt was exposed. It was a pretty traumatizing experience because all i wanted to do was get down there with her and fuck her with my mouth.

I am – Jello Wrestling Pics of the Day July 25th, 2006