I am – Hilary Duff’s Dog Isn’t Lucky of the Day

I used to be jealous of dogs because they got to sleep all day, people take care of them and are too stupid to hate life. The more exciting part about being a dog is that they get to watch their masters change, have sex, shower, take a shit, masturbate and do all the embarassing thing people do. They also get away with sniffing random pussy when out in public, and I am not talking about dog pussy, I am talking about women on the rag pussy. Either way, I know I have written posts on this many times before and I am only writing about it again because it is really one of the constant dreams I have and has been going on for as long as I can remember. That said, I would hate to be Hilary Duff’s dog for all the above mentioned reasons. I have no interest in knowing whether her dick was the reason Lance Bass is a faggot today. That’s the end of this post. Thank god.

I am – Hilary Duff’s Dog Isn’t Lucky of the Day July 27th, 2006