I am – Wonder Woman is for Losers of the Day

So I go to a wedding this past summer. I meet a drunken girl who is trying to piss off her controlling parents. Her solution is get fucking wasted. Bitch caused a huge fucking scene and complained the whole night about how she wishes she was dead and how she hated her life. Definitely my kind of slut. I find the whole thing entertaining so I hang out with her for a bit. Her mother comes up to tell her to behave herself and that she’s embarrassing the family and she tells her mom to go fuck herself. She was doing what most angry 16 years olds do, only difference is, this bitch is in her 20s and doesn’t even live at home anymore. She goes on telling me about how her dad is gonna beat her up for this, and all the regular “Victim” bullshit. I don’t feel sorry for her and I get bored of her shit so I go to the bar to get a couple more drinks because let’s face it, I live for open-bar. She disappears. I run into her later, and her knee is bleeding. I ask her what happened, thinking maybe her dad gave her a the beating she was talkin’ about, but find out she tried to fuck one of the 15 year old guests, but fell off the ledge and ripped her leg open. Point of all this was to say that that 15 year old has already got way more action than any motherfucker who’s into Wonder Woman. These pictures are for those Wonder Woman losers who read this site. That’s the story I heard.

I am – Wonder Woman is for Losers of the Day July 27th, 2006