I am- AJ Mclean's 18 Year Old Vagina of the Day

Today has been a day for losers. That is because I have been trying to sort out my broken new computer and I am forced to neglect this site and use a really shitty computer at a really shitty internet cafe with no photoshop to make my sexy top of post images. I felt that since I felt like I sucked at life, I’d post pictures of someone who actual does suck at life and that’s AJ from the Backstreet Boys. Dude sucks so hard that they won’t even take him back, and when the backstreet boys reject you, it’s a lot like being un-invited to the kid with no friend’s birthday party, or like getting dumped by the fat chick that you were too ashamed to admit you were dating, just when you came to terms with the fact that you were dating her.I don’t know if that made sense to you, but the keyboard on this computer isn’t working so well, soI am not going to be editing any of this.

In trying to stay positive in life, AJ is not all that lame. If you ignore his horrible tattoos and think back a few years, we can all remember that he was the backstreet boy with a drug problem and a drinking problem and addiction is always cool. He’s also got a truckload of money and is now he’s slamming some 18 year old vagina, ten years younger than him, who is obviously using him to get to the top. What she doesn’t realize is that using AJ to become famous is like taking the stairs to get to the top of the empire state building. You’ll get there eventually, but you may die on the way.

In the event you haven’t noticed, which you haven’t, cuz none of you read my writing. I decided to write in cliches for the next little while. It will be like parking an aircraft carrier in a dixie cup. Laugh now. Love Jesus.

I am- AJ Mclean's 18 Year Old Vagina of the Day August 9th, 2006