I am – Fidel Castro's Lover of the Day

See what happens when I go on a quest for tits on the news….I come across other shit I would rather not see or know about. Like this one of Fidel Castro recovering in the hospital after some sort of medical problem that made him give power of Cuba over to his brother a few weeks ago. The stranger gazing into this motherfucker’s eyes while holding his hand is the President of Venezuala. The intensity of this union screams FAGGOT to me. I assume Fidel used to keep it on the downlow, brokeback mountain syle, he’d tell his wife he was going to fishing trips with his president of Venezuala friend and very little fishing actually went on. I guess when you are on your death bed, you stop caring about keeping up appearances and you just let your heart guide you, it’s some kind of spiritual shit that happens. Which brings me to the point of this post, which is my recycled Myspace message that you should send to all your friends…..

Just thought I’d write you a short note to tell you haow much I enjoyed meeting you on myspace. I can’t recall when I had a more pleasant time. Everything felt so natural, and you were very easy to talk to. It’s hard for me to identify what it is about you that attracts me so. I suppose it might be the combination of your great sense of humor, your charming personality and your good-looks. Whatever it is, I can sense its presence. You could call it chemistry, or better yet, the possibility that we are on the same wavelength.

I really hope that our first encounter was not our last because I felt very special when I was with you. I truly want to give our friendship a chance to grow.

Well, I guess I’ve said enough for the time being. Have a wonderful day and, hopefully, I’ll see you again real soom. If you get a chance, call me and tell me your thoughts.

Until I hear from you, take care of yourself.


Jesus Martinez


I am – Fidel Castro's Lover of the Day August 16th, 2006