I am – Paris Hilton's Pet Monkey of the Day

I am not racist, I just hate black people.

I was going to leave my post at that, a one-liner so all you fucking retards would actually read what I wrote. It would have been a first and people probably would have laughed which is another first but here I am about to ruin it all with all my bullshit commentary that makes this site what it is. Here I go. I guess nothing screams I need positive publicity than having your picture taken with a black baby in diapers. That’s like going on a mission to Africa and having your picture taken injected AIDS medication in a 7 year old, it’s like going to the retard shelter and having a picture of your taking a retard on a piggyback ride. That’s like going to a third world country and having a picture of you building a fucking well for the village, or taking it amongst yourself to breast feed a baby who’s mother just died. The point of all this is to say that Paris a slut, who does nothing good for the world, she uses her pussy for as a self-destructive way to feel worth. She spends all her money on cars, designer clothes and houses. She vacations all fuckin’ year round and people buy into her bullshit. She has single handedly ruined the next generation of girls, making them think acting a fool and slutting out is the way to the top, not always a bad thing, until they turn 25 and get their HIV test results back. So Paris can try to doop all of us into thinking she’s so fucking philanthropic, but she ain’t nothing but a whore. This has been a post of hate. Cuddles.

I am – Paris Hilton's Pet Monkey of the Day August 16th, 2006