I am – Friday Night Dance Party of the Day

I rarely leave my house and there are a few reasons for that. This being one of them. These pictures were taken by one of my stepHELPERS who happened to end up at a local party. He was surprised by all the hate he was getting for the myspace messages I send out to random local girls but was more surprised by this dude in pink pumps, silver pants and a possibly the weirdest outfit I’ve seen in a while. I used to run with hookers, dirty fucking hookers, hookers who you would let suck your dick when you were wasted but wouldn’t let use your toilet. They would always wear random scraps of shit they called clothing and I’d say 98% of the time they looked better than this. This party was apparantly a hit, the after party was better and too all the people I have offended locally and internationally, let’s get a bit of sense of humor here. If we can’t laugh at you then who are we supposed to laugh at. Also, don’t give the dude who submits my links to collegehumor a hard time about the shit I write on the net. Let’s keep the fun to the internet. I’m talking to you girl who I asked for before and after pregnancy box shots.

I am – Friday Night Dance Party of the Day September 4th, 2006