I am – stepHOUSEKEEPING: Toronto International Film Festival of the Day

It’s the Toronto International Film Fest this weekend in Toronto Canada. I emailed them asking for Press Access, but unlike Perez Hilton, I don’t get approved. I figured I could get some solid fucking content on this bitch of a site and bring it down into the gutter with me, because being an asshole to people is pretty much my talent and I need to come to terms with that instead of feeling guilty about it.

Dear Jesus,

Unfortunately, accreditation is now closed for this year’s Festival. If you are interested in obtaining photos of TIFF 2006, please access our image distribution partner’s website at www.image.net. Thanks,

David Carey

Media Accreditation, Press Office,

Toronto International Film Festival

Phone: (416) 934 – 3200

email: media@tiffg.ca

2 Bloor St W, Unit C-12

Toronto, ON, Canada


My question for you, and I know this is a huge fucking stretch, because let’s face it, no one important reads this site, is to get me into this festival. I can sleep on stepSTEVE’s couch, I just need access to the events.


Jesus Martinez


I am – stepHOUSEKEEPING: Toronto International Film Festival of the Day September 6th, 2006