I am – Paris Hilton Get Arrested for a DUI of the Day

In I hate Paris News, Bitch gets what she deserves. She was finally arrested for a DUI last night and that makes me laugh because she probably always drives drunk and deserves to be taken down a notch. The rest of us would not get away with the shit she does and that makes me jealous. For one, I can’t even afford a car. But I have also seen her burn out of clubs, I have seen her ram into parked cars and there is no way bitch is ever sober. They claim she had one drink and hadn’t eaten all day, which I believe because she’s trying to maintain her figure and image, but I don’t think it’s possible to blow over the limit with one drink in you.

I guess this is the fall of Paris and there is always something funny about seeing a spoiled cunt of a person fall from the cloud they are on. She is so fucking self absorbed and useless to the world and I hope this is the beginning of her alocholic end and that her inheritance goes to legal bills, rehab clinics and to the bottle. She has proven to all of us that you can make it in the world with no talent and a big bank account, she has taught our girls to be cute and dumb, uneducated and superficial, materialistic and sluts. Thanks Paris for ruining a fucking generation you drunken slut.

Video of Nicky Hilton and Boyfriend Kevin Connolly and Publicist Eliot Mintz Coming To the Rescue GO

Video of Paris and Publicist Eliot Mintz Leaving Together GO

I am – Paris Hilton Get Arrested for a DUI of the Day September 7th, 2006