I am – Britney Spears' Baby of the Day

Britney Spears had her baby by C-Section at 2 am last night because she didn’t want to destroy her cunt. She wanted to keep it nice and tight for Kevin’s little yet fertile penis. The last thing she’d want to have to deal with his deadbeat father skills and get no sensation from sex with him….Just because Britney looks like she was left in the woods with a 4 year long supply of cake, doesn’t mean she won’t be hot again…This is what MUNG had to say about it….

I seemed to have stirred up a little controversy yesterday with my post about Anna Nicole Smith’s son dying. I guess suicide isn’t funny to you. It’s funny to me, almost as funny as clowns and black stand-up comedians. Anyways, enough about the suicide shit…I decided to lighten things up today and post something positive because Britney Spears popped another soon-to-be drug and alcohol abuser out of her “beaten-up-catcher-mitt” coochie. For those of you who don’t understand what the fuck I just said… the bitch had another kid. We should all celebrate this fact because she said she is going back to her old self and is going to look hot again. If you ask me, she has a lot of fucking ab crunches and squats to do to get rid of the 4 chins the bitch is sportin’. My guess is that she will never go back to looking the way she used to and will probably continue to pop little children out of her axe wound until she suffers from menopause and realizes that the only reason she was put on this planet was to procreate with a wigger and give birth to future welfare cheque collecting drunken stepfathers. That’s my post, that’s how I roll.

I have attached some pictures of things that I thought resembled what Britney Spears vagina looks before and after giving birth. Just post em’




I think Mung was a little off with the before and after pics. I was a good concepty but if I writing this post I would have dropped some hot pics of teen box, the flowers were all right but real hot teen box gets your point across….as for the after pics, I’d find some post pregnancy pics, I’m talking still in the delivery room, gaping and the most damaged. Maybe I am too literal and Mung’s a fucking poet…

Here are some Madonna Pics Since Her Baby Rocco Was Born in the Same Delivery Room as Britney’s Latest STD….

For More Pictures of Sean Preston Lookin’ Out the Hospital Room GO

I am – Britney Spears' Baby of the Day September 12th, 2006