I am – Lady Isabella Harvey's Legs of the Day

So I am posting pictures of some random UK Socialite who was on some UK Reality TV show called Celebrity Love Island. The reason I am posting her pictures are to compliment this amazing email that I got:

Dear Jesus,

I figure you are the only one I can talk to about this as you are the dirtiest motherfucker out there and even you wont judge me for this. Anyway as a kid I never knew my mother she ran off when I was 3 and never told us where she went, So my Dad raised me he was pretty cool and tought me everything I know.

I’ve had this girl that I’ve been fucking for about a year we will call her Annie she is real hot. This girl loves me but she isnt really girlfriend material although I dont think any woman is at this point, a great lay none the less. I have fucked this girl every way you can think of; she is ultra dirty. she lives in the same apartment building as me which makes it even more convenient.

One night I went home and ran into annie in the hall. She was more than willing to have me over. After fucking the life out of her she passed out. I decided to take a look around her place, because I had only been there a few times. We usually hooked up at my place because she had a roomate. Anyway, I went to her vanity and looked at some pictures.

I saw one of her family and moved in for a closer look and there in the picture giving her a big hug was her mother who also happened to be that bitch of whore who looked a lot like my deadbeat mother, I had a double take for a moment but I could never forget what she looked like, I mean she was older but it was definatly her. You can imagine the shock that just came over me at this point. Not only had I found my long lost mother who I have hated for leaving us but I also just fucked the shit out of my sister. As you can imagine I had some conflicting emotions. I picked up my gear and went back to my place to drink myself stupid.

I didnt know what to do about this I felt like a piece of garbage. But in the midst of all that self hatred I was suddenly hit with a fantastic idea. The best idea Ive ever had.

So, the next day I went to see Annie and asked if she wanted to go on a date, she looked confused at first as I had always avoided doing anything with that didnt invole my penis. I swore I was serious she was excited to say the least. A few weeks down the line she brought me to meet her family, Are you starting to catch on, I went into her house I wasnt sure if Mom would recognize me. When I walked in I introduced myself and she looked at me funny, she mentioned that I did look familiar but Im sure she couldnt place it.

As the night went on and I told her family more and more about me and my family Mom screamed out and there was a silence in the room. She looked right at me and asked me my last name. I told her with a big smile, her face dropped but she didnt say anything at that time. Later that night she confronted me in the kitchen. I simply laughed at her and told her if she didnt want her new family to know the truth she would have to pay in the meantime I would break off my relationship with her daughter/my sister haha. she agreed, since then I have paid off all my school loans and bought a new car. Last month I decided she put more hurt on me as a kid so I sent childhood pictures of myself with Mom to her whole family with a letter explaining what had happened.

I knew you the stepfather could appreciate this story.


See I figured I needed to post pictures of known groups of incestuous people, like the Royal Family and the Jews. I realize now that being a Lady doesn’t make you part of the Royal family – so all this makes really no sense. I hope you read that email. It was a good fucking story by my standards, and I have no standards. Cuddles.

Bonus – Same Bitch at the Airport. Her 5 minutes are up:

I am – Lady Isabella Harvey's Legs of the Day September 12th, 2006