I am – Lea Walker is Trash of the Day

I am guessing my picture source is from the UK because all the pictures that I have been getting lately have been UK d-listers. I think posting them makes this site more interesting that the other celebrity blogs that are out there, but then again celebrity blogs are mad HOMO and just this intro makes this site more interesting that the other celebrity blogs….I could get a 3 year old kid to randomly press keys on my keyboard and the mangled words he produces would make this site would still be more interesting than other celebrity blogs. I could re-issue posts in my archives with 2 year old pictures and this site would be more interesting that the other celebrity blogs out there. I could abandon the site and delete the archives but keep the Booble banner up and this site would still be more interesting that the other celebrity blogs. All this is to say that other celebrity blogs are run by lame people who have a false sense of authority, a false sense of importance and a false sense of celebrity and even my piece of shit site beats the fucking shit out of them. If this was the ’50s, I’d be the rockstar in the garage fixing my motorbike with 2 sluts while listening to rock and roll and they’d be the faggot squares at the community center playing Musical Chairs. Speaking of people with a false sense of celebrity and Musical Chairs, my old friend DJ AM was playing at the local W hotel. I only found out about it at 1 am, cuz I am out of the loop like that, but I would have liked to been reunited with him, a lot like he probably wants to be reunited with Richie. For those of you who don’t know, AM used to email me until I told him Nicole Richie was a whore and he was better off without her. Turns out I was right and that AM, my ticket to Hollywood, wasn’t too impressed by me and stopped emailing me. In honor of useless f-list celebs and since I wasn’t at the event to get pics, here are some pics of some slag from UK Big Brother and her Tits.

I am – Lea Walker is Trash of the Day September 14th, 2006