I am – Heidi Klum has Jungle Fever of the Day


Not only does bitch having babies for the black man, but she also hires them to carry her umberella. Either she is re-living the slave era where the daughter of a plantation owner falls in love and gets knocked up by one of the cotton pickers and runs off with him and his singing brothers on the underground railway to Canada, or she’s integrating herself into the black scene to better understand the culture to help raise her baby. Or maybe she just relates to black people because she’s German and German’s are the black sheep of Europe. I am not going to get into this “once you go black you never go back” bullshit beause Heidi may be blonde but her ass isn’t fat enough for that. On that note, here’s a comment claiming I am a racist who can’t spell:

this has to be the dumbest article i have ever read.the guy who wrote it, must be a meth addict or a heroin junkie.the article is almost impossible to understand, and it has numerous falsehoods.one being,the hearsts ownership of ESPN,which is owned by ABC/Disney.another falsehood, is lydia being a ford model, which she is not.Maybe, you should work on your grammar and fact checking, because nobody cares if a complete moron is being racist.

My Response:

Models.com Claims Lydia Hears is a Ford Model GO

HearstCorp.com Claims that ESPN is their Flagship Porperty GO

So stop trying to shit on my fucking parade, we all knowing dissing someone’s grammar or spelling online is the weakest dis there is, especially when you write like this: “the guy who wrote it, must be a meth addict or a heroin junkie.” or “Maybe, you should work on your grammar and fact checking, because nobody cares if a complete moron is being racist.” Idiot.

PS. I am not Racist, I am funny. There’s a difference.

I am – Heidi Klum has Jungle Fever of the Day March 19th, 2021