I am – Juliette Lewis Doesn't Shower of the Day

If Perez Hilton is the Queen of all media , and Howard Stern is the King of all Media, does that mean they fuck? Are they going to have a public marriage like Princess Diana and will Perez get killed by a jealous paparazzi for stealing his photo, while Howard get’s girls to ride the sybian? I don’t know what that was supposed to mean, but I like to think of myself as the septic tank cleaner of all media and by all media, I mean this site is BIGGER THAN VICE and VICE probably makes a solid $20,000,000 a year and I’m making somewhere around $2,400 a year. My server alone costs $4,800 a year. You do the math.

I hate getting all business on you, but it is a Jewish Holiday and figure my Jewish readers at home reading this can call on some favors from their rich uncles. I know VICE doesn’t only make money off the website, they have the magazine and the record label and a brand name that 16 year old girls love, but even if they pull in 100,000 a year off their site, I should be making more the $2,400. Ya heard?

Speaking of poverty and septic tanks, here’s some pictures of Juliette Lewis looking FANTASTIC and by fantastic I mean, like a poor hungry person who just swam through the septic tank looking for undigested corn and nuts and such to eat for dinner. Most of the time, posts don’t need my rambling, this is one of those times.

I am – Juliette Lewis Doesn't Shower of the Day September 22nd, 2006