I am – Dead Computer of the Day

I woke up today and the person who sends me pics lost access to their picture source so I got a haircut instead of posting. Without a picture source, there’s pretty much no site.

I got back from my haircut and my computer won’t turn on.

I am at the internet cafe next door that charges $15 an hour. I only have $4.

So I guess this is it for now, or at least until I get my computer back up and running.

It’s a pain in the ass, but I am not letting it get me down like I would have earlier this year.

I went out with Brad the Jew last night and got so fucking wasted that I was dancing with one of the local drunks from the park in th W hotel amongst cha-chi’s sipping champagne, models being skinny and rap superstars with Asian implanted slags with no bras.

I have 1 minute left and I need to find a picture for this post….I got you some Petra topless runway pics. They are much sexier than my new hair, dead computer, drunken fun, hangover, anxiety attacks and stink of the day. Cuddles…

I am – Dead Computer of the Day October 5th, 2006