I am – Evaginaline Lilly in Bathing Suit Bottoms of the Day

I figure that since celebrity bloggers get big by making up celebrity catch phrase names, that I would start giving the celebritites no one really cares about catch phrase names, like this slag Evaginaline Lilly. So here are some pictures of Evaginaline Lilly in her bathing suit bottoms showing the world how disgusting her midget mexican looking legs are. This bitch is built to last in that rough Mexican Climate, she’s built Ford Strong in the Mexican Ford Factory, she’s built to carry more Tortillas down the mountain than you, and have many criminal babies while riding donkies and drinking tequila. Point of all this is to say she’s sturdy, hard to push over, not that you’d want to because you know she’s fucked a midget. Not that I’d care, I’d fuck a midget, I’d also fuck ethnic people with study lesbionic looking legs. I have no stories yet, I am going on a walk to clear my mind and look for funny. Like yesterday’s walk where I saw a rapist looking homeless man with his dog, rocking an acid washed jacket and watching little kids play in the park. He started staring me down and there’s nothing comfortable about some rapist looking homeless man I had never seen before giving me the death eyes. So I started rubbing my man titties, like I do in all awkward situations.



I am – Evaginaline Lilly in Bathing Suit Bottoms of the Day October 10th, 2006