I am – Carolina Ferre's Nipple of the Day

I have no idea who this bitch is and lucky for you I don’t have time to google it, because I am headed to a funeral. I know all you fuckers like to rip into me about how I am lazy and useless and all that shit, but as much of an asshole as I am, I wouldn’t make an excuse up like this. I just don’t like joking about death, I am more into sex jokes and the sexual harassment of girls on myspace

I have been getting drunk the last 3 nights and nothing really eventful has come from it. I already told you the english professor story and I barely remember the funny parts of the night. On Saturday I got drunk at some shitty restaurant with a couple of friends, dizzy and beat up from the night before, I had to go home early. but before going home my friend dragged me to some gay bar so that he could mack on a barmaid there who he’s wanted for about a year but hasn’t got yet. I had to make fun of her, and possibly fuck up his game, but only because I have a reputation to live up to. I am an asshole like that.

This has officially been the worst post in a long time, but under the circumstances, you should be happy I’ve bothered posting anything.

With Love,

Jesus Martinez


I am – Carolina Ferre's Nipple of the Day October 16th, 2006