I am – MUNG's Art Commentary of the Day

MUNG is pretty lame and if this is what he considers art, I know exactly what kind of guy he is….I’m talkin eyebrow piercing, high school drop out who listens to shitty rock music with his gelled hair and shirt tucked into his Docker’s in between periods of the hockey game on the couch with his fat high school sweetheart, who he knocked up at 19, right before getting a canada flag tattooed on his shoulder but after giving up on all his dreams and accepting his life as a suburbian piece of middle management shit. He sent this in about a week ago and I decided to post it today. I actually have a softspot for MUNG.

I really don’t know what to think about this one. It kinda sucks, sorta like the idea of posting art on this shitty website and getting you uncultured fucking losers to comment on it. This artwork is so fucking awesome that it makes me want to stab babies with pitchforks and fuck the pitchfork when I am done with it. I am thinking that it symbolizes anti-abortion and some fucking pro-life loser painted it. The devilgirl symbolizes the actual method of abortion while the pitchfork symbolizes the coathanger…and the dead baby, well it symbolizes a dead baby. Either that or I am looking way too deeply into things and it’s just a really cool picture of a devilgirl humping a pitchfork with a dead baby on the end of it.

Art rules, now go fuck off.


I am talking to a 15 year old girl in starbucks and she reads my site – she wanted to write something in this post. So this is what she had to say. Nude Pics To Follow…in 3 years.

Can I come to your apartment so that you can help me with my blog?

I am – MUNG's Art Commentary of the Day October 19th, 2006