I am – Painting of Christopher Reeves of the Day

I feel like there is not enough Christopher Reeves coverage now that he’s dead. When he was alive, I couldn’t turn on the fucking TV without seeing him talking/trying to talk about his accident and how he’s out on a mission to help the quads of the world walk again. A modern day hero and I’d like to bring Christopher Reeves back because I know you forgot about him. So the way I am going to do that is post a picture of some painting some weird artist made of him. With bringing Christopher Reeves back to everyone’s attention, I am also bringing MUNG’s shitty art commentary concept that I was hoping was dead back to life. I am not going to have you fuckers analyze this shit like we were in art school, because people in art school are generally fags, and you aren’t fags, you are virgins and that’s worse than being fag because because at least fags get to bust on another person’s tits, even if that person’s tits are man tits.

I am listening to Blind Melon in this coffee shop polluted with Jewish senior citizens. They are talking about cheese while eating chicken ceasers. I am kinda out of practice on this whole blogging thing since I’ve been on death leave for the last 2 weeks. Unfortunate circumstances, but the cliche still stands, with endings come new beginnings, so I’ll need you to help me take this cunt of a site to the top because let’s face it, it is the hottest fucking blog online and it’s my turn to be made famous. Tell your friends.

Remember to remember Christopher Reeves.

Visit Artist’s Site if You’re Down

I am – Painting of Christopher Reeves of the Day October 25th, 2006