I am – Making Tina O. Famous of the Day

Some tranny looking woman sent me this myspace message:

Make me famous because I can deliver messages thru comedy and Kisses to the masses. I own the trade mark for rating anything. No thumbs up. No 5 stars. Everyone does that. No 5 hard on’s, limp to hard Hustsler Mag. No Zagat. No Foders…Yup me. Tina O.

1 out of 5 Kisses or I KISS IT OFF…. later got to get some zzzzz’s.

We can both see if this works. I related to your poster and I am doing well. Now I am going to be great!!!

read my sight I have been on 4…………….. 2 days


All 5 of them

Tina O

I didn’t really understand what she was getting at, so I did what every guy with something a woman wants does, and that means I asked her to send me nude pics of her tranny-self. Instead I got this message which was probably a good thing, considering she has testicles.

I trade marked the first female rating system. IOWN IT. 1 out of 5 Kisses or I KISS IT OFF.

I am in the process of getting a TV show out calld “KISS THIS” 2007

comedic half hour show about a movie critc and her daily life and trying to give reviews,and I juxtapose movie clips, and crazy charectures (up and coming comics) like Seinfeld did as he played a comic….

mine is a little wackeir than his show….anyway ….thats a small pease of it and you can read my reviews on my blog


all 5 of them

Now the thing that pisses me off in all this is that I know this girl is going to be famous before I ever will. She spells worse than me and her claim to fame is a rating system based on kisses. If you’re bored, sexually harass her by visting her myspace GO . Try to convince her to kiss you off until you bust in her face or at least all over your belly, cuz I know you like trannies. HOMO.

Speaking of trannies, here are some pics of Carmen Electra at some event in different outfits which leads me to believe that these are pics of 2 different girls but I never have an eye for that kind of shit…..

I am – Making Tina O. Famous of the Day October 27th, 2006