I am – stepINTERVIEW with a Howard Stern TV Producer of the day


So it’s official. I am destined for failure. I did this Interview with a producer of Howard Stern’s TV show named Doug Goodstein. It was in efforts to get some exposure and possibly a shout out on Howard Stern, because I thought that would make me famous. Unfortunately he seems to think I am an idiot…and he’s industry…and making money, so I guess that means I am an idiot. Either way, when you read this, remember that I don’t hate Jews, some of my best friends are Jewish. They are just a funny religion to talk about.

Here’s the interview with Doug Goodstein that was done via email….

I have never heard of you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I’d like to get that out before we start. I checked your IMDB and the only projects you have ever executive produced were for Stern, how did you get the job are you a synagogue friend he carried to the top?

I could answer your question as ridiculously as they are written or answer them seriously…I will give you real answers despite the goofy questions. I actually just sent a resume in the mail to E! looking for an entertainment-based job; I was working at ABC News and was not happy. I got a call and it turned out to be for the Howard Stern Show which was a perfect match for me.

So you are saying that it had nothing to do with you and Stern being lovers ?


Is he really the king of all media and don’t you find that title a little obnoxious. If I walked around telling girls I had a 10 inch dick and was the best fuck in town, they’d get pissed when they found out I was impotent and pathetic, so why does Howard get away with giving himself a title like that ?

The truth is that Howard rarely refers to himself as “The King Of All Media�. Howard may have created the title somewhat goofing around but it’s the actual media that refers to him with that title a lot more than Howard does himself.

So you are Jewish, how’s that working out for you?

So you ask dumb questions, how is that working out for you? I love being a jew!

Do you think being Jewish is why you work in TV, because as a Jew you were given options like clothing, media or bakery and you chose media kind of thing….

Man these question just getting more and more odd as we go along. Yes, I work in TV because I am jewish.

I heard that all Jews love Chicken Caeser Salads, is that true?

I love matzoh, pickled herring, lox, and gefilte fish…thanks for asking.

Who is more Jewish, Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

Who cares!

What is the craziest thing thats ever happened when you were working on the Stern show?

One segment we did that was really crazy we did a farting contest. For that bit I was the sucker counting the farts with a digital counter in the studio; within minutes Dan The Farter was trying to set the Stern Show farting record but he started to crap out little shit nuggets…I was freaked out and sick by the sight but Dan just kept on going despite everyone freaking out.

Has it ever got you laid?

I know this may sound crazy but I have never really taken full advantage of working here and getting girls. I have always been OK in that department. But for the record I once spent some time with Jenna Jameson back in 1995…true story! Howard mentioned it on the air…

How do I get my own TV show, I am already famous on the internet, what’s the next step?

Just keep working hard and why not make an attempt to put some video of yourself on your site.

What is this Howard On Demand business?

Go Howard.tv for all the details on what Howard TV On Demand is all about…

Why wouldn’t Howard do an Interview with me?

I can’t tell you, but if you ever got him and hit him with these kind of goofy questions I assure you that you’d never have an interview opportunity.

Thanks for your time

With Love


I am – stepINTERVIEW with a Howard Stern TV Producer of the day November 2nd, 2006