I am – MUNG's Tribute to Ed Bradley of the Day

I didn’t read this but figured I’d post it for the sake of posting it. In the even you haven’t noticed I have been pretty lazy the last week. I am trying to figure out the best way to make myself famous and I figured sleeping on the couch in the afternoon and frequenting seedy bars until 4 am every night is probably not going to get me there, but it will make me forget that I have pretty much done al lthat I can with this site. Reaily is I am not giving this shit up but I am taking up drinking again. It’s a solid coping mechanism. Speaking of coping, good luck coping with MUNG’s obvious attempt at ripping up my style and for the record I don’t support teasing successful people who die from cancer…but I can only assume MUNG doesn’t mind because he’s a hack. Speaking of hack, here’s some more Lohan, these pics are from some event on wednesday night.

I have decided that Sunday nights are pretty good nights. Not early Sunday night, but late Sunday night around 8:00PM. This is usually when my coke hangover wears off and my body sorta feels normal again. After punishing my liver and the rest of my internal organs the night before I usually wake up in the morning and feel like roadkill, but eventually it wears off around 8PM on Sunday and all is good with the world again. This is usually when I will lay on the couch in my soiled jogging pants and my “#1 Jew” t-shirt that I picked up at Value Village and start reassessing my life while I watch TV. I think about what my life could have been, and what could have happened if I had some dreams or inspirations, and then all of a sudden a ticking watch comes up on the screen and out of nowhere an elderly pale black man with white hair and an earring is interviewing a 24 year old heroin addicted, alcoholic prostitute. Then I smile and realize that my life isn’t all that bad….I could be an eldrely pale black man with white hair and an earring.

Here’s to you Ed Bradley, for making my Sunday hangovers tolerable. 60 Minutes won’t be the same without you and neither will my hangover

More of Lohan Now…..

I am – MUNG's Tribute to Ed Bradley of the Day November 10th, 2006