I am – Abi Titmuss Nipple Hard On of the Day

I signed up to an online casino affiliate deal because some dude told me that it makes him thousands of dollars. This is the response I got:

We regret to inform you that we are unable to accept your offer for affiliation with our site. It is our policy to not partner with sites featuring adult content or

sites who affiliate themselves with such content. Thanks again for your interest.

I get criticized for constantly making reference to sex. I get told that all my jokes about vagina or my links to pictures of vagina are really repetitive and simple minded. I get called a porn site before I am called a comedy site. I realize that I do like exposing girls who post nude pics of themselves on the internet without realizing that people like me are looking at them. I realize that I swear a lot and talk about sex, probably because I have barely had an erection in 4 years and I have a little backlog of hormones that I’d love to release all over my belly. I realize that another youtube video of teen girls jumping on their beds while dancing to the Pussycat Dolls may get me locked up. Without sounding paranoid, I am sure that the FBI is watching this shit just waiting til I fuck up and post another pic of an underage girl accidentally. I guess that brings my readership down from 14 people to 12 cuz I assume that there are at least two guys parked in a van outside my house waiting to break down he door and drag me out by my moustache….because keeping my kind of porn peddling perverts off the internet is their priority.

What they don’t realize is that I link to pics hosted Flickr, owned by Yahoo and multi-million dollar company, or Youtube, owned by Google another multi-million dollar company. Or Myspace, owned by Fox another multi-million dollar comapny….but I make 250 dollars off the site on a good month barely covering my expenses in running the site and that makes me the porn peddler…the pervert…the criminal. The comedy in all this is that all these major websites are pornographers and kiddie porn peddlers…and the criminals and they are making a lot of people rich doing it…..

All this is to say that that FBI Van parked outside my home is probably a lot more livable than my apartment and they probably have a stronger internet connection than me. I have been trying to load a page for 3 hours and can’t get shit…..

I guess even more comedy in all this is that the full-time guy in the FBI sitting in the Van outside my house is making more money than me and is supporting his wife and kids back at home because of the site and I can barely afford a case of beer at the end of the month….

So there’s the proof, this shit isn’t porn…it’s comedy, just not very funny comedy….Here are some pics of Abi Titmuss whoring out at the UK Music Hall of Fame yesterday because “she” did an Interview for this site and caused mad controversy last week and controversy is also funny….

I am – Abi Titmuss Nipple Hard On of the Day November 16th, 2006