I am – American Lohan in London of the Day

I know that I am late in posting today and the reason is simple. I decided to write this week’s posts drunk so it takes me at least 2 hours to get to the desired level of drunkness.

Who better to start drunk week up with than Lindsay Lohan drunk in London today. I don’t know why people give a fuck about her or why she’s rocking 2 watches like she iss black and working the streets of NYC hustling, but I do know that in one of these pics it looks like she’s just been banged up the ass…

I remember the first time I was banged up the ass. It was in the late 90s while in prison. He was the kind of guy who would wear two watches unfortunately that day it was me he was wearing on his wrist, and in order to wear someone on your wrist, there’s really only 2 points of entry….That’s to story I heard.

Being drunk brings back all the amazing memories…that’s the story I heard.

Being drunk also makes me repeat things….


PS – Bitch looks like she’s pregnant….

I am – American Lohan in London of the Day November 21st, 2006