I am – Mung is Back of the Day….

I can only assume MUNG doesn’t really keep up to date with the site, otherwise he’d know that some crazed dude from Argentina made a poem for him then went on to pretend to be MUNG in the comments because he missed MUNG’s retarded posts. I know that I didn’t really miss MUNG that much, but that’s because I am too busy trying not to suffocate keeping this site as top notch as it is. I spend a solid hour a day on this shit and I demand some fucking love.

Speaking of Love, I love you so much, I suggest you don’t waste your time reading this. If you are wondering why I am posting it, it’s a legacy to a time that once was, but more importantly it’s to show you how good I am at blogger. So without more rambling, here’s a TONED DOWN, OUT OF PRACTICE, LEFT HIS GAME AT HOME and by home I mean his parent’s Basement…MUNG….That was a shitty intro, but it’s 3 am and I just smoked a cigar and it’s giving me anxiety.Cuddles…

Hiya Jesus,

Remember me? Probably not. I have been gone for a while now but there was something deep down inside of me that made me feel that it was time for a comeback. I felt as though your site was lacking racism, derogatory comments to women, and drug references so I quit my job yesterday selling Subway coupons door to door to become a guest blogger. So on my new found day off I sat in my parents basement and dropped two hits of acid and watched old VHS tapes of when the “Movie Network” was sneak previewed one weekend back in 85′. Man there were some awesome movies back then. I had a few good ones on tape like “Clash of the Titans”, “Mr. Mom”, “The Money Pit” and “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”. Raiders was an awesome movie because it sorta had that religious edge to it. Remember that scene in Raiders where the nazi’s face melted because he looked at the light that emanated from the ark? I watched that scene in slo-mo 47 times yesterday. FUCKING AMAZING!!!! When I woke up this afternoon I couldn’t get the image of the melting face out of my head and I knew that I had seen that face somewhere other than “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.

Does anyone actually miss me?

Good one MUNG…Real Fucking Talent…Speaking of talent, here are some pics of Lucy Pinder and Michelle Marsh ruining my Christmas Spirit.

I am – Mung is Back of the Day…. December 8th, 2006