I am – Cory Kennedy Taking Over the Hipsters of the Day

So there’s a website called thecobrasnake and it’s basically party pictures of some hipster photographer who goes to all the happening events. He hired a 16 year old intern named Cory Kennedy and she’s become some kind of internet phenom with a blog and lots of myspace friends. She’s banging Vincent Gallo and she’s partying with Lohan (see pics) and is the envy of 16 year olds internationally. I decided to email Mark from CobraSnake to see if he could help me make my stepdaughter famous this is what I wrote.

Dear Mark,

I have been getting a lot of annoying emails about the 16 year old girl that you made famous who is banging Vincent Gallo.

The reason I am emailing you is because I have a pretty disgusting 16 year old stepdaughter who resembles a homeless piece of shit too and I would like to make her famous.

I only have 10 readers on my site daily and all of them are perverts so the kind of fame they can offer her is pretty fucking illegal, if you know what I mean. I am impressed with what you did to that homeless girl, I hear she’s got a D&G job lined up and that life on the streets will be no more for her so l figured that maybe you could help me.

I look forward to hearing back from you,

With Love,

Jesus Martinez


This was his response….

16 year old homeless looking girls are the new crazy..

its like pokemon..

collect them all..

Thanks Mark. That was pretty fucking insightful. I can only assume your 16 year old intern wrote that to me and in that case…do you have any nudes.

I am – Cory Kennedy Taking Over the Hipsters of the Day December 14th, 2006