I am – Salma Hayek's Boobs of the Day

I haven’t really figured out why I gave MUNG the opportunity to post once a week, I think it had to do with how good he was in the comments and how he was eager to help me out. Since I do this stupid site alone, it makes for a lot of fucking writing and I wanted to take focus away from me, or find someone to take over if I ever hit it big and win a trip somewhere. I should have learned to trust my instincts and stick to my own posts because MUNG has only made me laugh once since he started this, but I can’t shut him down now, we’re in too deep. Here’s his post for the week.

I am kinda glad that my one true fan missed me. Someday I may travel to Argentina on a motorcycle like Che Guevera did in Motorcycle Diaries and visit you and watch your band play my ballad while I wear a beret. Until that time though, I can only imagine that you look like Salma Hayek. The main reason I can only picture you as Salma Hayek is because I know that in real life you have a mustache, smell like moneterey jack cheese, and your vagina looks like when you go to squirt hot sauce on an open-faced chili cheese burrito.

Please DeluXXXe Rape Machine, send me pictures. Send them to me and send them to Jesus.

I would love to see what you look like. Rescue me from this dungeon I call my parents basement and take me on the road with your band. I want to see the Argentinian landscape. I want to watch a prostitute have sex with a donkey….but more importantly I want to see the birthplace of Evita. Take me with you and make me your roadie.

Your Argentinian Prince,


Thanks for nothing MUNG…Here are some more pics…

I am – Salma Hayek's Boobs of the Day December 14th, 2006