I am – Victoria Beckham’s Nipples of the Day


I am not interested in posting any of the Golden Globe bullshit. I don’t really care about it. SInce I have one channel, I did watch it, but I didn’t like watching it. I ended up making myself a couple of drinks with a shitty bottle of JD that my friend left behind over the weekend because he was too drunk to remember he came with booze, and I tried to get drunk. It didn’t work. I thought about live blogging the shit, but there was really nothing to write about, other than the fact that celebrity reminds me of highschool and in that highschool everyone has too much money for their own good and no sense of what’s really cool. The Borat Acceptance Speech, was a nice change of pace, but motherfucker could have done better. I hate fart jokes but celebrities seem to fucking love them….maybe there is hope. That’s the extent of my live blogging…

Speaking of hope, here are some pics of Victoria Beckham. She is moving to LA so that means you will see a fuck of a lot more of her nipples. These are probably older than the Reese Witherspoon Bikini pics I posted yesterday, but who gives a fuck, it’s all about boycotting the Golden Globe propaganda they brain washed me with yesterday….

I am – Victoria Beckham’s Nipples of the Day January 16th, 2007