I am – Nicole Richie and Sophie Monk at the Airport of the Day

These pics are probably not that interesting to you and I understand why. They aren’t interesting to me either but It’s 4:30 and I figured I needed something to post and couldn’t really find anything naked, bikini so I went with this, probably a bad choice but it happens. It looks like Richie is trying to work her way into the Charlotte family by getting tight with her boyfriends gay brother’s hot fiance. I am not a psychiatrist but I am going to say she’s doing this cuz her mother abandoned her when she was a kid and since then she’s been looking for the ideal family unit. Unfortunately, she fucked up like most ex-addicts do and ended up with a couple of Poser shitty band motherfuckers…but she’ll keep holding onto the dream like she is holding onto this Monk chicks hand…trying to never lose what she’s always wanted….

Enough of that, it as pretty fucking lame, even if it’s true…I guess the point of this is to say that I figured out how to spot an adopted black chick from a crowd of people, it’s pretty fucking simple, first she’ll be sitting at a table in an Irish Pub, singing along to Sweet Caroline and eating some Bangers and Mash with 6 which chicks who look like they had no friends in highschool, just like you..You know the kind of girl you wouldn’t admit to fucking when all the pretty girls were dating dudes in college…

Either way here are some boring Nicole pics of her boring life from a boring site to a boring you…cuddles…

I am – Nicole Richie and Sophie Monk at the Airport of the Day January 19th, 2007