I am – One of My Reader’s 19 Year Old Girlfriend When She Was 19 Nude of the Day

One of my readers posted a link to his girlfriend in the comments, I downloaded them and this is me posting them for you.

I don’t buy this story for a second, not because she’s hot, let’s face it, she’s pretty much a candidate for a looking good sweetheart link… I don’t buy it cuz I know that you don’t actually get laid and finding pics of topless kitchen trash on the internet isn’t really that fucking hard. This is the kind of girl that you are embarrassed of getting a blowjob from when you pick her up at a shitty bar drunk at 4 am and a blowjob is all that’s on your mind, at least she’s got some weird obsession with the confederate flag. Fuck off.

I am – One of My Reader’s 19 Year Old Girlfriend When She Was 19 Nude of the Day January 19th, 2007