I am – Mena Suvari Showing Her Ass Off When Shopping of the Day

Here are some pictures of Mena Suvari shopping. She played the Alien from American Pie because of her big forehead and downs syndrome face. I haven’t seen her around much lately, but that could be because I don’t live in LA. I barely watch movies and I only have on channel that always plays CSI, but I am sticking to the fact that she’s been doing nothing, but reality is that she probably has been out partying and shit, but no one took the time to care. She’s no Tara Reid.

I read that it’s her 28th birthday today. She’s old and washed up and that’s ok, I’d still rub one out on her face if I could. The reason I am posting these pics is because of her stance. Bitch is bending over like a stripper does at the end of her stage show to pick up her purse, and by purse I mean purse, I wasn’t making reference to pussy. But yeah, she’s got the seductive, I’m not that hot and I want you to pay me ten dollars for a lap dance look and I am kinda digging it.

I think it’s only because I quit going to strippers 2 weeks ago, because my lawyer who was financing our nights felt it was degrading to women and a waste of our time, but Mena brought back some of the memories….I think I could just be in withdrawl….Either way, these pics aren’t explicit, but she’s in a hot position…and that’s good enough for you, isn’t it. Sick-O.

Happy Birthday slut….Since it’s friday and I am exhausted – Here’s a link to her “Out of this World” ass in Stretch Pants… GOGO

And her topless beach pics GOGO

I am – Mena Suvari Showing Her Ass Off When Shopping of the Day February 9th, 2007