I am – Shakira at the Grammy’s Performance of the Day

I watched parts of the Grammy’s because it was on my one TV channel and thought it sucked. Everyone asked me if I was going to live-blog it, but I don’t think I should live-blog anymore, admitting that I have a blog is embarrassing enough as is, so doing a traditional blogger post would just be admitting that I am a blogger and I don’t think I can accept that right now.

I guess Shakira has the same issue, because bitch would make an amazing stripper and here she is wasting her talent at award shows, dropping records and making music videos. I watched this clip at least 10 times and can’t help but think what a waste she is for not following her true calling of letting me touch her tits for 10 dollars a song.

I am – Shakira at the Grammy’s Performance of the Day February 13th, 2007