I am – Bai Ling's Meaty Nipple Slip of the Day

These are Bai Ling’s Nipples in front of pictures of Bai Ling’s Nipples…That’s three nipples instead of one, and I’d say that that was amazing had it been any other set of nipples. It’s not like you haven’t seen these nipples, she’s been in Playboy and is only busting out of her dress to get some media attention so that Internet perverts don’t forget who this slut is. Wasn’t she in Star Wars…I assume because the same people who jerk off to her pics are probably huge Star Wars fans, I’m talking the kind who collect light sabers and shit….

These fucking nipples are meatier than a fucking cow. I don’t want to be accused of being racist, but I don’t have any experience in Nipples belonging to people named Ling, but I’m thinking they come from a farming community. During the famine, the women of the tribe were forced to provide dairy for the town and as a result their nipples evolved into this cow utter bullshit….I am probably wrong, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen nipples bigger than your dick, which is probably not saying too much. That was a pretty weak small penis joke, I guess it’s not as funny as the pain you go through daily, everytime you take a piss.

I am – Bai Ling's Meaty Nipple Slip of the Day February 13th, 2007