I am – Victoria Beckham’s See Thru Shirt of the Day


I couldn’t find anything decent to post tonight because I don’t have all the amazing sources other bloggers have and I have no idea what pictures are new or old. I have a problem keeping up. I came across these Beckham pics and the skirt looked familiar, not cuz I am gay, but cuz I remember random things like bitches in quilts or whatever the fuck she’s wearing and it turns out that I was right…I went through my archives and found THIS . I am an investigative reporter and this post is the proof…

Valentines day was a bust, I ditched my wife because she was giving me a headache, ended up wandering the streets smoking my cigar that broke in half in my pocket, and some random hippie looking motherfucker invited me into watch his play. I don’t do plays but this shit was about lesbians and I had nothing better to do. Once in there, I realized that it wasn’t about lesbians but about a girl in a thong and a dude dressed like a chick. Judging by the Audience – lesbians thought they were in for the same kind of lesbianism I did. It was all romantic and shit with fat chicks holding hands and snuggling and shit and all I could think about is what a lesbian says to another lesbian in the bedroom…do they say shit like “FUCK ME HARDER” or “STICK IT IN MY ASS” or is that just a dude on chick thing. I guess I’ll never know…..

Now look at Beckham’s tits…..There is no way these aren’t old…and they are probably in my archives…oops…

I am – Victoria Beckham’s See Thru Shirt of the Day February 15th, 2007