I am – Reese Witherspoon Tight Pants…of the Day


I heard Reese Witherspoon broke up with her husband and like any recently broken up girl she’s hit the treadmill. Bitch has probably cried away 10 lbs and jogged off another 10lbs and emotionally starved the last 10 lbs off, and I am not complaining. She’s back on the market and no one wants a fat washed up mother of 2, Oscar winning slut with baggage on their hands, except for me, but you all know I’d get with anyone to avoid my wife….

Speaking of washed up, I was watching Robin WIlliams the other day, not by choice but because my neighbor leant me his DVD. If you’re wondering why I have a DVD player it’s pretty basic, I found it in my garbage room and some Asian dude I know made it work. I just had to give him a cigar. Anyway, the DVD was RV and Robin Williams dropped my “Christmas Miracle Line”, if you read this site you’d know that I drop that every once in a while, well not anymore, he’s ruined it for me because every time I go to type it from now on, I will see his motherfucking face saying it and that’s just not how I role…or roll…or it doesn’t fucking matter…I am not very good at much, a lot like Robin WIlliams since he quit coke….I like addicts and that’s all I have to say about that.

Here are the pics of….Reese Witherspoon . Her stupid last name made me forget what I was writing…

I am – Reese Witherspoon Tight Pants…of the Day February 20th, 2007