I am – Britney Spears Rehab Pics of the Day


I hate people who go to rehab, because addictive personalities need addiction to survive and addictive personalities who have addictions that make them fun like liquor, drugs and sex are people I like to be around. People with obscure post-addiction addictions are boring as shit with their addiction to the bible, not having sex, not drinking and chain smoking with other addicts in coffee shops at 4 am. So I figure it’s better to rave to the grave than be a total cunt everyone hates.

Speaking of cunt, these are outdated Britney Spears in rehab pics. She shaved her head because K-Fed told her they could find out she was a drug fiend by taking a hair sample. So she went insane on herself.

I am sure you’re hearing enough about this on every other lame blog, and I know these pics are already all over the internet, I am slow, get used to it. If you really wanna bitch to someone, tell your friends how slow I am on stories and maybe those motherfuckers will come visit my site to see if you are telling the truthand boost my motherfucking traffic…..Unfortunately, I know you don’t have friends.

UPDATE – Britney’s left rehab again – already – amazing.

I am – Britney Spears Rehab Pics of the Day February 21st, 2007