I am – Eliza Dusku’s Hot Ass Video of the Day

This is a video of Eliza Dushku’s ass in a thong. It’s all compressed weird and you’re just going to have to deal with it because this is drunkenstepfather and it’s not an internet place for quality….it’s actually not a real life place for quality either. I dropped my ashtray on the ground 5 days ago because I wanted to see how long it would take my wife to clean it up…and the shit is still all over the motherfucking room, only now there are footprints through it. I should have realized that bitch is too fat to bend over, her knees will give out or someshit, but it’s just an example of the conditions I have to put up with, so a little outdated clip of some celebrities ass shouldn’t look so bad…at least it doesn’t in my eyes and I guess that’s all that counts because I hate you.

Here are some more old pics of her adjusting her tit, because let’s face it, I am a fan of tits because I hate you…

I am – Eliza Dusku’s Hot Ass Video of the Day March 5th, 2007