I am – Keira Knightley Sinful Comics of the Day

I got a few emails about how Disney is freaking out about Keira Knightley’s Sinful Comics. I figured I’d post it as a service to you fucks who have been jerking off to Anime, Star Wars and Wonder Woman for the last 30 fucking years of your life. You’re the kind of dude that makes your sex dolls dress up in a mask and cape and your fantasy is for her to have super blowjob powers…too bad she’s made of plastic….

Here are the Keira Knightley Galleries that everyone is talking about…I don’t know how anyone could jerk off to this shit, but you’re welcome.

Keira Sinful Comics 1


Keira Sinful Comics 2


Keira Sinful Comics 3


Keira Sinful Comics 4


Keira Sinful Comics 5


I am – Keira Knightley Sinful Comics of the Day April 19th, 2007